Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone… Not a real traditional time around here this year, but I’m still thankful for friends and family.

Hug a loved-one today.


Shared Items – November 23, 2008

Shared Items – November 21, 2008

Shared Items – November 20, 2008

Shared Items – November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My dad would have turned 65 today.

Dad as a cowboyDad as a soldier
Last shot
Missing him

Howard Dayne Cummings
11/19/1943 – 4/27/2001

I love you dad.

Getting showered up

Maryellen’s mom’s side of her family threw us a co-ed shower yesterday. It was a good time!! Got to see some people we hadn’t seen in 5 years or so? And also got to hang with my favorite nieces and nephews! (of course, they’re my ONLY nieces and nephews, but don’t tell them that…)

M is now officially “full-term” at 37 weeks. Sooooooooooo, how about that? 🙂 Could be any day now, but most likely we’re still looking at early December.

Here’s a slideshow from the shower.

I ain’t got no alibi…

…Hey Hey, it’s UGLY!!

I know it’s ugly, I’ll be tweaking the new layout finding out what CSS goes where and what looks good. Bear with me…

I just want to be like Tony!

The Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month…

Happy Veteran’s Day!!! And thank you to all who serve or have served to protect our liberties and ensure our freedom!

That would be my dad, fearlessly defending the Panama Canal in 1968 with his trusty Smith-Corona typewriter and birthday cake! 🙂

I’m such a Googley geek!!

I’ve been tracking my mileage using a Google spreadsheet since March. I actually had it in Excel prior to that, but quit it for a few weeks and decided to start again from scratch. I was just looking at the spreadsheet and was actually pretty proud of it. I’ve got a second sheet that tracks all the non-fuel costs (oil changes, tires, etc…) and then I calculate the cost per mile to drive the car too.

I know… I know… but it’s fun!! And once it’s set up, it only takes about a minute’s worth of effort to enter the date/odometer/gallons/cost info from the fuel receipt. The sheet does the rest!

The other thing I’ve been doing lately on my lunch hours, is editing my dad’s book. I’ve been through it once or twice before for rough passes, and this time I’m going through with a fine-toothed comb. I hope to have it ready to publish w/in the next month or two. Fun!! It’s a pretty good story too. And I’m using Google Documents instead of Word or Pages. 🙂

A couple of the best similes I read today (dad liked similes):

“Melissa vanished like a five point lead in overtime and left only a vacuum which sucked up the remnants of Hank’s life…”

“He developed an unhealthy pallor, which he attempted to disguise with a beard. It was spectacularly unsuccessful, causing him to look, by the holidays, like an emaciated Santa with an advanced gastrointestinal disorder.”

“Hank doubted this strongly since it appeared Mr. Eugene Brown was as dead as the Cleveland Browns Super Bowl hopes.”

And… my favorite from the first 5 chapters so far…

“The sky was like melted lead, dripping down to meet the brown flat Ohio horizon.”

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