Archive for the Tag 'Peppers'

Planted the Garden

Well, this is a post and an experiment. I’m able to post to WordPress via email, so I’ve set up an account for just that purpose and am testing it out with this post. It seems like a pretty cool feature! I worked 6 hours yesterday so today is my day off. NICE!! We bought […]

List of peppers in the garden 2002

47 Pepper Varieties: ================= Marconi Golden Grandpa’s Favorite Grenada Seasoning Puppy Riot Nardello False Alarm Gold Spike Pusa Jwala Antohi Romanian Datil Sweet Trinidad Seasoning African Devil GC Unknown #1 GC Cayenne Fooled You Jalapeno Lemon Drop Ancho Gigantica Mandarin Orange Baloon San Philipe Jamaican Red Royal Black Ordono Rainbow Bird Charleston Hot Boquet Hot […]