Jasper Fforde

In a life that’s now dominated by baby things… (yes… we now own a minivan) it’s nice to have a little moment for myself.

For several years I’ve been addicted to the books of Jasper Fforde. All of the Thursday Next books (starting with the Eyre Affair) and then also his Nursery Crimes books.

Well, there’s only one book of his I haven’t read, and today I got a signed copy of it in the mail, direct from Goliath Corporation itself! I ordered my copy of “The Fourth Bear” from Jasper’s website not knowing I was getting a signed copy. There was a box for “inscription” or something like that when I filled out the order, and it said “30 character max.” So, I typed in “What can be said in 30 char…” and that’s exactly how he signed it. 🙂

Another little treat was the fact that Jasper included one of his post card Easter eggs. Tucked into the book was a limited edition post card with a photo from his “Ffotographica” series on the front called “Shades of Grey – Phonebox.” A nod to his upcoming book.

So, needless to say, I’m tickled with this purchase, package, surprise, and can’t wait to get into the story!! Right now though, there’s a double-overtime NCAA tourney game on… so the book’ll have to wait a little while.

Some photos…

I got a message that I needed to post a few more pictures… to be honest, it’s hard to find the time to post ANYTHING right now. But here, by popular demand, are some more pictures of Andersyn. 🙂

Letter to my representatives

to SD26@senate.state.oh.us,
date Mon, Feb 16, 2009
subject Ridiculous law!
mailed-by pepperguy.com

Dear Senator Gillmor and Representative Wagner,

For years I’ve had trouble understanding the reasoning behind Ohio’s alcohol-on-Sunday laws, but yesterday I was struck by just how ridiculous they really are.

My wife and I were at the Anderson’s General Store in Northwood picking up a few things for a nice meal. We decided to splurge on some good beer and a bottle of wine as well. While browsing the wine aisles shortly before noon, we saw the sign that said “No wine or liquor sales until after 1PM.” This was the law that has always bugged me… but it gets better… I COULD still buy beer before 1! The Anderson’s has a great selection of craft beers and micro brews, many of which run in the 10-12% alcohol by volume range. So, I could have bought a beer with a higher alcohol content than the bottles of wine that I could NOT buy.

My main complaint comes with the existence of any “Sunday” alcohol laws at all. Why Sundays? Is it a religion thing? If so, what business does the government have legislating religion?? And if it doesn’t have a religious background, why the different rules on Sunday at all? I would think that Sundays before football games would be a prime beer-buying time and by repealing these laws, the state’s “sin tax” revenue on Sunday alcohol sales could spike upwards!

Let’s get rid of Ohio’s Sunday alcohol sales laws altogether!

Thank you,

Grant Cummings
344 Lincoln St.
P.O. Box 73
Elmore, OH 43416

What’s in a name??

So, a lot of people don’t know why Andersyn is named what she is. There’s a long story behind it… or more like a hundred little stories. Here is an attempt to explain it a little…

I think my earliest memory of Anderson Arena was when I was 8 years old… 30 years ago. I went to games with my mom and dad. Mike Midday, Emzur Shurelds, John Flowers, Dick Miller, I was hooked!!

anderson from jerome.jpgAll through grade school, middle school and high school, I went to BG basketball games. Men’s and some women’s games too. My dad knew the coaches, so I got to meet Coach Weinert and Coach Larranaga. It was so cool the first time I was in Coach L’s office and saw the big poster of Ralph Sampson (Coach L was at Virginia when Sampson was).

My best friend, Ravi, and I drove over once or maybe we were driven over. I don’t remember how old we were, but I remember getting on the floor and shooting around with the team before one of their practices. Remember Anthony Robinson being so friendly and shooting with us… Dan Raupp and Scott Kalish were there then too, if I recall correctly…

Then college came, I went away to Miami for a semester and honestly missed Anderson Arena. When I transferred back to BGSU it was like coming home. Lots of people went to the library to study and/or do homework, I went to Anderson Arena. I’d sit in the press row, or in Section L, Row 7, Seat 1L71.jpg, one of the seats my parents held as season ticket holders since… well, I guess the early 70s (and I still hold L,7,1 today). I’d always cut through AA on my way to or from class, I’d sit and watch basketball and/or volleyball practice, phys-ed classes, or anything else that might have been going on.

When I wrote the first note to my now-wife, Maryellen, I listed things I liked, one of those things was the sound of sneakers squeaking in an empty gym… that came directly from my times in Anderson.

After being enrolled for a year, I signed up for Athletic Band and for 4 seasons, I didn’t miss a men’s or women’s basketball game. It was one of the best things ever… playing my bass for the games. g_bass.jpg Back then, they mostly played double-headers too… so I’d be in Anderson Arena for hours and hours at a time. It never got old… Lori Albers, Susie Cassell, Wanda Lyle, Talita Scott, Kirk Whiteman, Ed Colbert, Shane Komives, Tom Hall, Joe Moore, Clinton Venable… too many great BG players (and not so great players) to mention!

I’ve seen so many players in Anderson… I met Nate Thurmond, Ron Harper, Wally Szerbiak, and got to see so many other great NBA players play there, Jim Jackson, Steve Smith, Chris Webber, Earl Boykins, Kenny Battle, Gary Trent… not to mention the greatest Falcon of my era, Antonio Daniels… and the current era of success in the women’s program… I could go on and on about basketball, but Anderson Arena is more than that to me.

I first heard the announcement that Operation Desert Shield had become Operation Desert Storm in Anderson Arena… I got to see Mel Torme in concert there, my graduation ceremony was in Anderson… It’s just a part of me. And, I mean, it’s got the greatest string of urinals in the civilized world!!


When my dad died in 2001, he was cremated. Not having a grave-site, I have used Anderson Arena as my place to go and mourn, remember, and talk to dad… I’ve sat in “his” bleacher seat (L,7,1) in an empty arena and cried… I told him we were going to have a baby there… and I always get to games a little early and just go up and sit there for a few minutes before moving down to my un-official seat in the student section.

So, when we were thinking of baby names, I had originally suggested “Anderson Doyt” as a joke. But we ended up really liking “Anderson.” We were pretty sure we were having a boy (so much for women’s intuition!!) and we were pretty set on the name “Anderson Dayne Cummings.” So, imagine our surprise when the midwife in the delivery room made ME check the sex of our baby and it was a girl!! We had “Sarah” and “Reagan” as our girl baby names, but right away, Maryellen and I knew that those weren’t really “right.” As soon as she was on Maryellen’s chest we said “We could still use ‘Anderson’ just spell it with a ‘y’ or something.” And so there you have it…

So, tonight, I finished up a little project I’d thought of several weeks ago… I’m pretty proud of it!! And I can’t wait to tell dad about it next time I’m in Anderson Arena.




Been a while…

Seems like there’s no time to blog at the current phase of my life… but I will make a quick exception for some self-deprecating humor.

This is what happens when you don’t get enough sleep. I looked down on my way back into the building after lunch today and saw this:

My “little ones”

Andersyn and Roodi

Originally uploaded by Pepperguy

I know this blog has become little more than a place for Andersyn pictures and updates… but hey… that’s pretty much my life right now!!

I LOVE this photo of Anderysn and Roodi on the couch together. It’s been amazing how quickly and easily Roodi has taken to her. He was a little high-strung and curious for the first couple of days, but now he’s just more than happy to curl up next to her or Maryellen when she’s feeding her and be close. He’ll pop his head into the bassinet to check on her when she makes a noise too. I think he’s happy to have a sister!

Christmas pics…


Originally uploaded by Pepperguy

Well, obviously, our Christmas ’08 photos will be mostly of Andersyn… So, if you’re tired of looking at her, don’t click the link! If, however, you would love to see the world’s prettiest baby girl… click on!


Merry Christmas!!

Luke 2: 8-14

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Away in a manger

in utero

So, looking at the photos from the past few days of Andersyn, I noticed something familiar. A hand gesture seen in the 27-week 3D ultrasound!



I still think she’s just trying to get Giovanni Jones to sing that last note until the amphitheater collapses!!



Best Christmas Present Ever

Best Christmas Ever

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