I have never seen a town, no matter the size, get more into Halloween than little old Elmore, Ohio. I’m serious. It started last night with the Halloween parade, yes…that’s right…a parade through town a few nights BEFORE Halloween. There is the business trick or treating tomorrow afternoon and then it really comes to a head on Haloween night when the town’s kids (and this town is SWARMING with kids) come out in mass to trick-or-treat. It’s not only Elmore’s kids…but kids from all over come to Elmore because it’s apparently the best place in NW Ohio to trick-or-treat. The cops shut down streets for it!

The adults in town get into it as much as the kids do too. More than half the houses in town have orange lights and probably 90 percent are decorated up to the max with orange and black and spooky things. It’s really amazing. We’ve got some cute orange pumpkin type things up….joy. I’ll try to get some photos on Thursday night of the streets just swarming with kids…our first year here it just floored us. I had NO clue!

I’ve never liked Halloween.