
Pepperguy.com started out as my personal blog 11 years ago. I played with it as a website, test bed, and finally a blog for years. Recently though, I’ve had enough life changes (had a baby girl, got laid off, etc…) that personal blogging kind of lost its appeal, so the site sat idle for months. (you can still see the old site archives at http://www.pepperguy.com/newblog/ if you’re curious)

With my YouTube videos of me eating the bhut jolokia pepper garnering over 300,000 hits, and with the number of emails I received from people asking how to grow them, where will they grow, etc… I thought I’d put at least one season of growing them into posterity by blogging about it.

So that’s what this is… I’m going to blog about my 2010 garden from start to finish and maybe beyond. I’ll also include information about cooking with peppers, beer and home brewing, as well as just general pepper information!

Thanks for stopping by!

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