Archive for the Tag 'Grant'

Made it…

Well, I feel pretty crappy so far today. Felt better yesterday, but I think that’s par for the course really. Percocet is a good thing though. Thanks for the emails and comments! More when I’m feeling a little more like myself.

Slice and dice…

Well, I’m heading in to St. Charles hospital for my 3 procedures today; fixing my deviated septum, reducing my turbinates, and balloon sinuplasty.  WHOOPIE!!!  Wish me luck, I’m a little nervous…

The winds of change are a-blowin!!

Wow… well, besides being nervous about my sinus surgery on Monday, my head/heart have been through the ringer this week! I’ve been pretty happy at Glasstech. It’s been a good job, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve gotten to work with a lot of good people. So I’ve never really been “LOOKING” for a new […]

No wonder it was so light….

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer… Near Euclid Avenue and East 65th Street, someone apparently used a chain saw Sunday afternoon to cut through a high-capacity Internet trunk line, part of the backbone of the Internet. Although the thieves may have been seeking copper, there is no copper in fiber-optic cable.

Scanning in old photos

I’ve started what is a huge task; scanning in a suitcase-full of old photographs from my paternal grandparents. Grandpa Cummings was a professional photographer and there are some AMAZING pictures in there. Then there are plenty of plain-old “family snapshots” as well. Highlights so far include my dad shooting a foul shot at Ft. Amador […]

Rocket Men!

Yesterday after work, Kelley brought Gabe and Evan over and we all went down to the park because Gabe and I had made model rockets!! We had a “blast!!” Oh, and if anyone in Elmore that lives down by the school finds a red and black rocket… yeah. Well, I guess that second engine I […]

Redunant Survey Questions

Brought to you by XM Radio and a company called BIGResearch.  You’d think, if they can beam down music from satellites, they could figure out what “age range you are in” when you tell them what year you were born, wouldn’t you??  *sigh*

My new favorite phrase…

From a friend who traveled to Argentina and picked this up… Este tipo vive en una nuve de Pedos.

The new iMac

Wow… just an amazing computer design… not too shabby in the components under the hood either! Yes please!

218 MPH and upside down…

Wow… Open-wheeled racing rules!

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