Well, dad died 6 years ago. 🙁 Haven’t stopped missing him… haven’t stopped thinking about him every day. The recent health scare with Maryellen certainly was a little more “real” because of my memories of 6 years ago.

Tonight though (I’m writing this on Thursday evening), I found a video from EJ, Jr. Ernie Johnson has been the “third wheel” of TNT’s NBA broadcasts for years now, being the straight man between Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith. He’s always been great… fantastic, really… EJ has cancer, has been pretty public about it. This video explains how he’s done it.

I don’t want to get too preachy, but I do know that personally, MY relationship with Jesus Christ has gotten me through really hard times. Hard times that continue today… and every day. God came to earth as man in Jesus and suffered and died for every single one of us who believes in him, no matter what. That is called “Grace.” Here’s EJ talking about his cancer and his relationship with Jesus….