Well, this was the worst Thanksgiving weekend I’ve ever experienced. 🙁 Maryellen is going through some serious MS symptoms and was really uncomfortable on Thursday. Then Friday, Saturday and Sunday she got steroid treatments in the hospital. 4 hour procedure which generally took 5-6 hours total each day. Not fun for her.

Many of you who know her, or even just check in on this site from time to time will probably be thinking, “But didn’t she just do a triathlon this past fall??” Yeah… she did. That’s the nature of MS. One, it can turn on a dime, and two, even when things LOOK good on the outside, the patient can be suffering from lots of hidden symptoms. This is the case for Maryellen. 🙁

If any of you are interested in learning more, she found a good article on the National MS Society website that explains the hidden symptoms pretty well. I’d encourage you to check it out if you know anyone suffering from MS…

So the weekend was full of tears, anger, hospitals, and very little sleep. Thanksgiving dinner itself was nice, but even then I was concerned about M’s issues and couldn’t really relax and enjoy, and I’m sure she was in the same boat. Now it’s back to work where the stress will build… should be fantastic! If you hear an explosion, that’ll be my head.