Maybe my favorite line from the Bible. Luke 2:9 “And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.” The monk that translated that for old King James… man, he sure got it right! “Sore afraid…” I just LOVE that!!

Why is it my favorite? Not because it’s part of the story of how Christianity began, not because it’s probably been part of every church Christmas pagaent ever done, but because of Linus’ speech in “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!!”

You can buy (or you could before it sold out) a replica of the tree from the special…
I never thought it was such a bad little tree...

Check it out here…

Just watched the special… the only thing missing from 30 years ago were the Zinger Zapper commercials from Dolly Madison “Neat to eat treats!!”

“And that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”